The future concerning water availability may seem bleak as painted by news reports and NASA studies, but industries and individuals can help slow down, if not prevent, the rapid depletion of underground water resources in the country. Responsible use of this precious liquid is, of course, a very important step that needs to be taken. In short, water wastefulness should be out of everyone’s vocabulary because as Green4All Energy Solutions Inc. advocates, every drop counts.
Indeed, conservation is the key and a lot of money could be saved in the process. This begins by taking control of what goes in and out of the faucets. Without their knowledge, consumers actually pay not only for water but also for air that is in the water.
This may come as shocking news, but it is true. According to experts, as water is pumped through the piping fixtures, air bubbles also get into the system. Water meters, which measure by volume, are not capable of distinguishing air from liquid, thus falsely detecting air as water, says John Medwin, a consultant at the Green4All Energy Solutions Inc. The same meter readings, Medwin adds, are used to calculate sewer bills, which also end up being higher due to air being measured as liquid. In short, customers get billed not just for their actual water consumption but also for bubbles. This clearly is a waste of money.
High utility costs have become a major concern for industries and homeowners associations. The Colonial Place, located outside of Austin, was seeing water bills ranging from $20,000 to as high as $26,000 a month in the past. Recently, groups and HOAs including The Colonial Place, started installing a new flow management device. After using the water flow management device called H2minusO, consumption went down, resulting to huge savings.
Another Texas HOA community, Palm Beach House Condominium, reported recently that it saw a 26.3% decrease in water use after installing the flow management device. According to Medwin, H2MinusO guarantees at least a ten percent decrease in water consumption upon installation.
Historically, we have never had one valve refund request. We never had one that did not perform as promised. In most cases, bills are typically lowered by 15% or more, assures Medwin.
In addition, industries and individual consumers need not worry because the water flow management device has a 100% Money-Back Guarantee and 10 Year Warranty. Industries, HOAs, and individual consumers seeking additional information about this new flow management device may contact Medwin at 888-406-1982.
Media Contact:
Laraina Stevens
P. no – 888-406-1982